10 May 2018
The Legends Summer Luncheon: TV News: Then, Now and Future

You know their faces and voices. You’ve seen the stories that they’ve reported. At the next Broadcast Legends luncheon, you’ll hear the stories behind the stories, as told by several of the finest reporters in Bay Area television history.

Don Sanchez
Belva Davis, Rita Williams, Manny Ramos and Tom Vacar will take to the Legends stage at the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco to tell their stories from the front lines and behind the scenes in Bay Area television news, with another fabled Bay Area newsman, Don Sanchez, serving as moderator and sharing his own tales.
Our event is called “TV News: Then, Now and Future,” and it begins at 11:30 AM on June 19 with a no-host reception, followed by lunch and our program.
Peter Cleaveland, president of the Broadcast Legends and a 2017 inductee into the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame, will serve as master of ceremonies.
To make your reservation, please click here.